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IEEE COINS 2023: IEEE International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems 

Berlin , Germany

IEEE COINS 2023: IEEE International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems  July 23-25, 2023 | Berlin, Germany | Hybrid Event: In-Person and Virtual Presentations IEEE | IEEE RAS | IEEE CEDA | IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY | Data Engineering (TCDE) | IEEE R8 | IEEE Germany Section | NSA TC IEEE CAS | E-HEALTH-TC IEEE COMSOC | TC-CRM  TC IEEE IES | IEEE IoT Submission deadline: March 15, 2023 (AOE) Are you interested in taking part in shaping and adding new dimensions to the future IoT and AI ecosystem? are you seeking to harness the opportunities afforded by the tsunami of new technologies? Do you want to stay ahead and learn about the biggest digital technologies that are radically shifting the paradigm? Or just curious about what IoT, AI, and Big Data are all about and how they impact every aspect of our life, society, and business? IEEE COINS ( is the right place to be. IEEE COINS brings together experts in Digital Transformation (from AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, and Robotics) from around the globe. IEEE COINS includes a multi-disciplinary program from technical research papers to panels, workshops, tutorials, demos, and exhibitions on the latest technology developments and innovations addressing all important aspects of the IoT/AI ecosystem.   Call for Papers IEEE COINS solicits papers and proposals accompanying submissions for presentations in the Vertical and Topical Tracks.   Topical Area Tracks: 1) Internet of Things: From Device to Edge, and Cloud 2) Sensors and Sensing Systems 3) Circuits and Systems for Artificial Intelligence, and Internet of Things 4) Communications, Connectivity, and Networking 5) Big Data, Data Engineering, and Data Analytics 6) Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Cognitive Computing 7) Distributed Ledger Technologies and Blockchain 8) Design Automation in AI & IoT Era: From Chips to Systems 9) Security and Privacy 10) Intelligent Robots and Systems 11) Applications, Processes, and Services   Vertical Tracks: 1) Smart City 2) Industry 4.0 3) e-Health and Wearable IoT 4) Agriculture 5) Smart Energy 6) Mobility and Smart Transportation   Special Tracks: 1) Critical System Design 2) European Projects on Intelligent Systems 3) Emerging Technologies on intelligent systems 4) Cyber-physical system     Demo and Exhibition: 1) Artificial Intelligence 2) Internet of Things (IoT) 3) Embedded Systems 4) Big Data, Data Engineering, and Data Analytics 5) Communications, Connectivity, and Networking 6) Distributed Ledger Technologies and Blockchain   IEEE COINS will publish accepted papers in the conference proceedings, and the proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital library and indexing services. Submissions should follow the IEEE formatting guidelines. Your submission must not include information that serves to identify the authors of the manuscript, such as name(s) or affiliation(s) of the author(s), anywhere in the manuscript, abstract, or in the embedded PDF data. References and bibliographic citations to the author(s) own published works or affiliations should be made in the third person. Note: Each paper must be no more than six pages (including the abstract, figures, tables, and references), double-columned, 10pt font. Accepted papers are allowed six pages in the conference proceedings free of charge. Each additional page beyond six pages is subject to the page charge of 150.00 EUR per page up to the eight-page limit.   Tiny ML Contest RUN NOW to participate in our Tiny ML Contest. Awards (donated by STMicroelectronics) to the top three entries: 1st place wins $1,500 2nd place wins $1,000 3rd place wins $500   The Tiny ML Contest at IEEE COINS is a challenging, multi-month, research and development competition, focusing on advanced, real-world problems in the fields of AI, Embedded Systems, and IoT. It is open to multi-person teams worldwide. The focus of this year’s contest is on Human activity recognition.  Human activity recognition is a common machine learning task that is widely used in multiple domains. This technology uses data from various sensors to help monitor health conditions, recognize abnormal human activities for surveillance, track fitness workouts, and much more. There are, of course, various challenges associated with implementing complex human activity recognition. To achieve the required accuracy on low-power devices like wearables, embedded engineers have to find ways to run machine learning models on platforms with limited memory and processing capacity. Experts, therefore, need to design neural networks with a size-accuracy ratio that is appropriate for a proposed machine learning task on a memory-constrained device.   Registration: Interested parties must email the ST, Neuton, and COINS contacts listed below.   Contact persons: ST: Neuton.AI: IEEE COINS:   Call for Speakers & Panels   Are you an executive, strategist, or professional working in the field of IoT, Big Data, AI/ML, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, or Robotics? The purpose of the COINS Pavilion is to present content that is interesting to both the technical and business audiences that attend COINS. There are three options when submitting a proposal: Panels (45 minutes long). The topic of each panel should be interesting, timely, and relevant to multiple segments of COINS attendees. Controversy is appropriate and encouraged. Individual (Technical or Demo) oral presentations (20  minutes long)  without any paper submission. If any presenters would also like to submit a technical research paper for publication, then that option is available, if desired. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed for acceptance in IEEE Xplore, and there is no guarantee that papers submitted by invited presenters will be accepted. Mini-keynotes (each 10 minutes presentation | ideally C-level speakers).   If you are interested in being a speaker and/or recommending a speaker, demo a product/service, or submitting a panel proposal, please, provide the following information to Farshad Firouzi (   Organizer(s) name, affiliation, bio, and email address Presenter(s) name, affiliation, bio, and email address Title and abstract (max 500 words)   Ph.D. Forum - Call for Submissions The Ph.D. forum will be hosted by the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA) and will be organized as a poster session with 1-minute 1-slide oral introductions from the students to get the attention of the audience. The forum will provide an opportunity for graduate students to explore their research interests in an interdisciplinary workshop under the guidance of a panel of distinguished experts in the field of Computer-aided design and Circuit and Systems for the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data and Security/Privacy. The Ph.D. forum aims at bringing together young Ph.D. students to exchange their research, ideas, and experiences. The following two classes of students are eligible: Students who have finished their Ph.D. thesis within the last 12 months Students who are close to completing their thesis work. Submission: A 2-page extended abstract describing the novelties and advantages of the thesis work as a single PDF file via the submission website. The abstract should also include name and affiliation.   Call for Special Sessions, Workshops, and Tutorials IEEE COINS seeks proposals for i) Special Sessions consisting of peer-reviewed papers focused on in-depth treatment on a topic of timely interest to the IEEE COINS audience. Special session papers will undergo the same intense review process as regular conference papers, and submission is not a guarantee of acceptance. The selected papers will be published as part of the IEEE COINS Proceedings; ii) Tutorial Sessions consisting of discussions and summary results about advanced topics relevant to the conference. Tutorials intend to highlight innovative ideas positioned on each field's frontiers covered by the conference. Tutorials provide participants the chance to explore innovative trends or innovative applications, learn new techniques from experts in the field, and gain knowledge and insights. Typical tutorials run 1.5-2 hours, although longer half-day tutorials (two-session blocks of 1.5-2 hours each) may be considered; iii) Workshops are half- or one-day events that aim to foster active discussion on issues related to specific fields. The typical structure of a workshop will include a number of papers (peer-reviewed) presentations and/or invited talks (without paper submission). Accepted manuscripts will be included in the COINS conference proceedings as workshop papers and will be indexed in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. All proposals (1 to 2 pages) should be submitted via email to Jan Haase (, Farshad Firouzi (, Alessandro Savino (, Azin Ebrahimi (, Hussam Amrouch  (, and Khelil Abdelmajid ( Please include the required information indicated below: Title and abstract of the workshop/tutorial/special session Organizers and their affiliations (including short bios) Structure, format, and the expected duration of the tutorial/workshop (for a tutorial/workshop proposal) Planned invited speakers (if any) for workshop/tutorial proposals (it is not necessary, nor a requirement) Provide a sample call for papers (if any) for a workshop and Special Session proposals, the number of published papers (if any), and, if available, a list of prospective authors and contributions CFP Dissemination plan (workshop and special session proposals) Provide the abstract of the tutorial/workshop (for a tutorial/workshop proposal) If the workshop/tutorial was previously held, provide the location (i.e., which conference), date, number of published papers (if any), and number of attendees at the last event     Call for Demos and Exhibition IEEE COINS has many opportunities to showcase your company and products, including exhibit/suite space, special promotional opportunities, customer meetings, and social functions. The Demo/Exhibition of IEEE COINS is for companies who want to promote their brand and gain better exposure to the community. The combination of both the presentation theater and the dedicated exhibit aisle will maximize the learning and brand exposure. All requests should be submitted via email to Farshad Firouzi (, Lucian Vasile Stoica (, and Shaun Kaplan (     Call for Sponsorship On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the IEEE COINS, we invite your sponsorship of the conference. As a sponsor of this conference, you will enjoy the opportunities to interact closely with worldwide researchers in academia and industry and the top-notch postgraduate students and practitioners in the field. Your participation will increase your visibility in the community and industry. It will also provide you with an unrivaled opportunity to network with key players and demonstrate your innovative services and products. Your financial support will ensure that the costs of the conference remain accessible for students and will improve the quality of the conference experience for all attendees worldwide. We offer five levels of sponsorship. We also welcome any customized sponsorship proposals to best suit your needs. If you have any creative or interactive ideas for activity, we would be interested in talking to you about how we can incorporate them into a personalized package. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us ( if you have any questions or suggestions for the conference and the engagement of attendees with the sponsors. Thank you very much in advance for your attention and your support!   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPONSORS & SUPPORTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IEEE RAS IEEE Computer Society IEEE CEDA IEEE Region 8 – Europe, Middle East, and Africa IEEE Germany Section Neural Systems and Applications TC (IEEE CASS) Control, Robotics, and Mechatronics TC (IEEE IES) eHealth TC (IEEE ComSoc)

Tiny ML Contest at IEEE COINS 2023: IEEE International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems

IEEE COINS 2023: IEEE International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems  July 23-25, 2023 | Berlin, Germany | Hybrid Event: In-Person and Virtual Presentations RUN NOW to participate in our Tiny ML Contest. Awards (donated by STMicroelectronics) to the top three entries: 1st place wins $1,500 2nd place wins $1,000 3rd place wins $500 The Tiny ML Contest at IEEE COINS is a challenging, multi-month, research and development competition, focusing on advanced, real-world problems in the fields of AI, Embedded Systems, and IoT. It is open to multi-person teams worldwide. The focus of this year’s contest is on Human activity recognition.  Human activity recognition is a common machine learning task that is widely used in multiple domains. This technology uses data from various sensors to help monitor health conditions, recognize abnormal human activities for surveillance, track fitness workouts, and much more. There are, of course, various challenges associated with implementing complex human activity recognition. To achieve the required accuracy on low-power devices like wearables, embedded engineers have to find ways to run machine learning models on platforms with limited memory and processing capacity. Experts, therefore, need to design neural networks with a size-accuracy ratio that is appropriate for a proposed machine learning task on a memory-constrained device. The call for participation is here:   Tentative Schedule:  Submission date: 31st May 2023 Conference date: 23-25th July Notification date: during the conference (will be announced later)    Registration: Interested parties must email the ST, Neuton, and COINS contacts listed below.   Contact persons: ST: Neuton.AI: IEEE COINS:    Awards donated by ST Microelectronics to the top three entries: 1st place wins $1,500 2nd place wins $1,000 3rd place wins $500  

GECon 2023 – Keynote Session: Digital laboratories as Open Educational Resources Challenges and Solutions

Berlin , Germany

Keynote Session: Digital laboratories as Open Educational Resources Challenges and Solutions Dear researcher, GECon 2023 is announcing a new Keynote Session on August 02th-04th related to online teaching. Due to the amount of work presented by German academic researchers on this topic, we hope this Keynote speech will support the research community efforts. We look forward to seeing you at this hybrid conference!!! ABSTRACT: Web-based digital labs, which can be simulated, video-recorded, or installed remotely, significantly support knowledge transfer focused on the individual learner. With the advantage of omnipresent availability, the learner can set the pace of the learning process himself. At the same time, however, installing these systems presents the teacher with considerable technical and didactic challenges. The (few) open-source projects and commercial offers always define web-based simulations, remote labs, etc., as a closed learning environment. The teacher generates his materials - the actual digital laboratory and the associated materials - accordingly for a tiny circle of learners. Cooperative re-use of the elaborate setups is not possible in this way. Implementing the core ideas of Open Educational Ressources (OER) - providing editable and disseminable content - defines solutions for the mentioned challenges. The talk addresses the state of the art on this track, discusses promising developments and identifies future challenges. Sebastian Zug is a Professor for "Software Development and Robotics" at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany) since 2018. He studied mechanical engineering and received his Ph.D. in computer science from Otto-von-Guerike Universtät Magdeburg (Germany) in 2012. His research interests are focused on outdoor robotics and self-describing, intelligent components. He develops new concepts for practically-oriented engineering courses based on a broad experience in bachelor and master courses in programming, robotics, and embedded systems. This includes new open-source course materials, including interactive programming sessions, simulation tools, and remote access to laboratory equipment. GeCon 2023 Networking Education in Germany Berlin, Germany 2-4 August 2023

Workshop Session: Automating Exercise Assessment using MATLAB Grader

Berlin , Germany

Dear researcher, GECon 2023 is announcing a new Workshop Session on August 02th-04th related to online grading and teaching. Online teaching demands efficient ways and tools to assess and assists learners' progress, in this direction, we aim for this Workshop contributes an overview of the topic with illustrative examples. We look forward to seeing you at this hybrid conference!!! ABSTRACT: One of the biggest challenges in STEM-education is the creation of motivating teaching materials including appropriate coding exercises for the classroom and assignments for homework. Additionally modern STEM-education requires the ability to monitor the progress of the participants in real-time to assess the learning outcomes. The main benefit of real-time observation is the ability to adapt the content accordingly to better address weaknesses of the classroom in an agile manner. To address the first challenge, the creation of motivating teaching materials, you will learn how to generate digitalized interactive teaching materials as opposed to standard handwritten lecture notes (Word®, PDF, etc.). Such digitalized teaching materials foster engagement with the courseware by enabling classroom-courseware interactivity. In this workshop you will use MATLAB® Live Editor and MATLAB® Online to create and maintain interactive courseware materials. To address the second challenge, the automatic grading of exercises, you will discover how to replace the manual process of providing and correcting exercises through digital means. In this workshop you will apply MATLAB Grader™  to enable automatic grading/automatic feedback and real-time classroom observation.. Moreover, you will also learn how to integrate and use MATLAB Grader assignments into your Learning Management System of preference (Moodle, Canvas, ILIAS, etc.) to complete a seamless learning experience.

GECon 2023 – Workshop Session: Planning a Student Contest – Fostering Self-guided Learning of Signal Processing in Communications Engineering

Berlin , Germany

Workshop Session: Planning a Student Contest: Fostering Self-guided Learning of Signal Processing in Communications Engineering ​​​​Dear researcher, GECon 2023 is announcing a new Workshop Session on August 02th-04th related to planning and organizing student contests. This workshop will introduce a methodology to plan contests while motivating students to approach real-world problems in signal processing and communications engineering. We look forward to seeing you at this hybrid conference!!! ABSTRACT: Organizing different engineering tasks as a competition, we aim to enable students to approach real-world problems in signal processing and communications engineering by motivating them to transfer their predominantly mathematical and analytical knowledge acquired from lectures to complex and incomplete scenarios. Classroom teaching suffers from a lack of opportunity for students to engage with the material without guidance, hindering their development of self-reliance and their ability to transfer knowledge to applications. Laboratory courses and other hands-on teaching formats still tend to guide students toward achieving a reference solution, prohibiting students from drawing satisfaction from solving a problem independently. This workshop introduces the general methodology of the IEEE Student Branch Karlsruhe Signal Intelligence Challenge (ISIC), reviews both experiences and feedback gathered throughout the years of conducting the ISIC, and discusses the applicability of this approach to learning in the context of structured curricula. The ISIC is a voluntary activity in which students form small interdisciplinary teams to correctly receive, analyze and decode unspecified signals from wireless transmissions they capture themselves. An automated feedback and grading system, which rewards faster teams, motivates advanced teams without disheartening inexperienced teams. The difficulty of the individual challenges ranges from choosing the appropriate tools for a straightforward solution to requiring cross-disciplinary research. GeCon 2023 Networking Education in Germany Berlin, Germany 2-4 August 2023

IEEE German Education Conference, GECon 2023

Berlin , Germany

Themed "Networking Education in Germany" the hybrid conference aims to provide a platform to discuss teaching concepts and methodologies in German academic institutions, including universities, universities of applied sciences, and distance learning universities. This conference also aims at fostering collaboration among German academic institutions, and the establishment of education-industry collaboration networks (e.g., towards preparing a future workforce with the adequate skills required by Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, and Society 5.0 paradigms). Hosted by IEEE Germany Section and locally organized by TU Berlin, challenges and approaches in Higher Education will be highlighted through oral presentations and posters. The conference will also organize workshops to discuss and interchange recent experiences regarding online teaching, labs, and evaluations, the students’ perspectives, and the financial support for conducting research in education as well. IEEE German Education Conference, GECon 2023 Location: TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Dates: 2 to 4 Aug 2023 Link:

HISTELCON 2023 7-9 September – Florence, Italy – Deadline Approaching

Florence, Italy

Dear Colleague, We invite you to submit a paper to the 2023 IEEE 8th HISTory of ELectrotechnology CONference (HISTELCON) to be held on 7-9 September, 2023, in the heart of the historical city of Florence, Italy, the heart of Italian Renaissance and birthplace of Leonardo, Michelangelo, and many other major artists and scientists ( HISTELCON is the only IEEE Conference devoted to the History of Technology. The deadline for abstracts or full 2 to 4 page paper submission is 15 April, 2023 and authors may opt to have their full papers - not abstracts - published in IEEE Xplore. This year the Conference focus is on "Science and technology or technology and science?" Main topics: Technology museums, Computers and microprocessors, Device and system vulnerability, Foundational research and Big Science, Measurement systems and units, Big corporations, Radio astronomy, Humanistic studies and technology. Looking forward to meeting you in Florence The HISTELCON 2023 Chairs Massimo Guarnieri (University of Padua) Giuseppe Pelosi (University of Florence) (Conference secretariat:

2023 Integrated Systems in Medical Technologies (ISMT)

Erlangen , Germany

2023 Integrated Systems in Medical Technologies (ISMT) wird vom 14. - 15. September 2023 in Erlangen stattfinden. Die Germany/Austria/Switzerland Section EMB Jt Chapter ist ein Sponsor dieser Veranstaltung. 2023 Integrated Systems in Medical Technologies (ISMT) will take place on 14 - 15 September 2023 in Erlangen. The Germany/Austria/Switzerland Section EMB Jt Chapter is a Sponsor of this event.

EMV Boot Camp 2023

Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth, Germany

Das deutsche EMV-Chapter der IEEE EMC Society lädt Sie zumEMV Boot Camp ein. Die kostenfreie Veranstaltung mit Kurzvorträgen von EMV-ExpertenInnen aus diversen Branchen bietet Ihnen wertvolles Wissen für Ihren Berufseinstieg oder Arbeitsalltag in der Elektronikentwicklung.Nach erfolgreicher Teilnahme am EMV Boot Camp wird ein Teilnahme-Zertifikat ausgestellt. EMV-Bootcamp2023-Programm-V1.1 Datum: 13. + 14. September 2023 Mi: 9:00 – 17:45 Uhr Do: 9:00 – 15:30 Uhr Fokus: Entwicklungsbegleitende EMV und Pre-Compliance Fachvorträge / Ausstellung / Netzwerken Ort: Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth Friedrich-Paffrathstr. 101 26389 Wilhelmshaven Anmeldung:

2023 13th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM)

Hamburg , Germany

2023 13th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM) wird vom 20. - 22. September 2023 in Hamburg stattfinden. Die Germany Section ist ein Sponsor dieser Veranstaltung. 2023 13th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM) will take place on 20 - 22 September 2023 in Hamburg. The Germany Section is a Sponsor of this event.

IEEE Germany Section 60 Jahr Feier

Berlin , Germany

Anmeldung Das Kartenkontingent ist derzeit ausverkauft. Es ist jedoch möglich, einen Platz auf der Warteliste zu bekommen. Für den Fall, dass angemeldete Teilnehmer sich wieder abmelden, werden die freigewordenen Tickets und die Warteliste per Gutscheinversand weiter verteilt. Sollten sie nicht mehr an dem Event teilnehmen können, so bitten wir höflichst darum, ihre Anmeldung zu stornieren. Programm   Stratosphärenflug Datum: 26.9.2023 Uhrzeit: 09 - 13 Uhr - genauer Startzeitpunkt wird nach Freigabe durch die Luftfahrtbehörde bekannt gegeben. Ort: HTW Berlin, Wilhelminenhofstraße 75A, 10318 Berlin (52.4548,13.5257) Vollversammlung Ort: HTW Berlin, Treskowallee 8, 10318 Berlin (Raum wird noch bekanntgegeben) Sprache: deutsch Ab 13:00 Registrierung   14:00-14:03 Begrüßung / Agenda C.Baer 14:03-14:35 Bericht des Chairman J. Haase 14:35-14:55 Bericht des Membership Development Programms T. Kopfstedt, S. Burger 14:55-15:15 Bericht des Milestone Programms F. Dittmann 15:15-15:35 Bericht über Konferenz- und Lehraktivitäten S. Kaplan, J. Torres 15:35-16:00 Coffee Break   16:00-16:20 Bericht über die deutschen IEEE Chapter P. Magyar 16:20-16:40 Bericht und Highlights der Student Branches und Aktivitäten H. Schreiber 16:40-17:00 Aktivitäten und Highlights des University+ Industry Relationship Programms E. Matthes 17:00 Verabschiedung C. Baer Abendveranstaltung Datum: 26.9.2023 Uhrzeit: ab 18:30Uhr Ort: Käfer DACHGARTEN-RESTAURANT im Deutschen Bundestag, Platz der Republik 1 Reichstagsgebäude, 11011 Berlin Sprache: englisch Bitte beachten: Um Zutritt zum Restaurant zu erhalten muss ein gültiger Lichtbildausweis mitgeführt und ggf. vorgezeigt werden. Die Daten des Ausweises müssen mit denen der Anmeldung übereinstimmen. Andernfalls kann der Zutritt verwehrt werden. Sollten sie vegetarisches Essen bevorzugen oder Allergien/Unverträglichkeiten haben, so melden sie sich bitte bei: 18:15 Einlass/Aperitif   18:55-19:00 Begrüßung und Agenda C.Baer+J.Haase   Welcome Note oft he IEEE president T. Coughlin 19:00-19:20 Starter   19:20-20:10 “Shaken, not Stirred! “ - James Bond in the Spotlight of Physics” M. Tolan 20:10-20:55 Dinner   20:55-21:10 Activities and Insights of the IEEE Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology Germany Section B. Hattenhorst 21:10-21:30 Preisverleihung / Ehrungen J.Haase, D. Horn