Student Branches
IEEE Student Branches – Your benefits
Starting a professional career means not only studying the major fundamentals, as well as conducting researches in your personal area of interest. At the same time, you begin to educate yourself, including the so-called soft skills that allow you to work efficiently in cooperation with other experts in different project groups.
IEEE offers a set of benefits specially targeted for students to attend you during your starting phase of your professional career. These are your benefits, but not limited to them:
1. Enhancing your career by networking with technical experts.
2. Attending top conferences at low membership rates.
3. Establish yourself early in the profession’s premier technical organization.
4. The IEEE financial advantage.
5. Save money on IEEE products at low member prices.
6. Your own personal subscription to IEEE Spectrum and potentials
Find more information here.
IEEE Student Branches – Overview
IEEE Student Branches

Der BIEEElefeld als Student Branch des IEEE wurde an der FH Bielefeld 2010 gegründet und bietet jungen Studierenden die Möglichkeit, erste praktische Erfahrungen in einem internationalen Berufsverband zu sammeln. Der BIEEElefeld unterstützt und ermöglicht es, sich während des Studiums aktiv zu engagieren und zu vernetzen und die technische Ausbildung zu fördern.
The BIEEElefeld as Student Branch of the IEEE was founded at the FH Bielefeld in 2010 and offers young students the opportunity to gain first practical experience in an international professional association. The BIEEElefeld supports and enables students to actively engage and network during their studies and and to promote technical education.

The “IEEE Student Branch TU-Chemnitz “ (IEEE SB TUC) is an academic group, which is active at the Chemnitz University of Technology (TUC) and belonging to the organization IEEE Region 8, Germany section. This group is established in 2015 with the aim to enhance the educational and technical advancement of electrical and electronic engineering, telecommunications, computer engineering and allied disciplines. About 30 students and scientists are involved in the IEEE SB TUC. This group organizes various workshops, lectures, hackathons and social events that support the academic and social life of the students.
In preparation...

Im fachlichen Rahmen bieten wir als Student Branch Vorträge, Workshops und Exkursionen an, um Studierenden neue Perspektiven zu eröffnen und ihnen wertvollen Input neben dem Vorlesungsalltag zu bieten. Natürlich bleibt dabei aber auch der Austausch in einer geselligen Gruppe mit ähnlichen Interessen nicht auf der Strecke und der IEEE bietet tolle Möglichkeiten zum Networking und Kontakte knüpfen.

Hello! We are the IEEE & VDE Student Group from the Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)! We meet on Wednesdays, currently via Zoom, and if you want to join our meetings feel free to contact us per E-Mail!

The IEEE Student Branch Ilmenau has been founded in January 2008 and now we have about 30 active members. We represent the IEEE locally and are dedicated to students who are interested in technical and scientific publications and in worldwide contacts. Our group strongly encourage all our members to participate in our events like hackathons, training courses and BBQ fun hiking. We organize every month a drinking-talking event around our members to keep our branch active and make our team strong.

The IEEE Student Branch Magdeburg was founded on April 20, 2006 with the support of Prof. Lindemann and Prof. Styczynski. Since then we have been involved in the organization of activities that round off the otherwise monotonous everyday student life.
- Make contacts with the economy on excursions and lectures
- Meet other students and alumni in good company
- Stay up to date and meet interesting people at conferences

The IEEE Student Branch Passau was officially founded on February 20th 1989. Our purpose is to fill the gaps in the areas of education, information interchange and contacts between students, lecturers, and companies, which the university does not or cannot close. To achieve this goal, we organize workshops where students help students, we set up contacts to companies via excursions and presentations. In addition, papers, information for freshmen, our IEEE Specials, and the “Professors face-to-face” events are intended to ease the students’ everyday life. We try to improve our personal skills by organizing workshops and contacting companies. Of course, fun is also a priority, e.g. at our regular meetings or a barbecue. Whoever wants to participate in our activities is highly welcome!

Die IEEE Student Branch Regensburg ist eine Gruppe von Regensburger Studenten. Wir organisieren Veranstaltungen zu technischen Themen.
IEEE Student Branches – Your organization
The IEEE Student Branches constitutes the basic organizational unit within IEEE for students. To found your student branch at your university twelve student members are needed to sign the petition.
You can then organize your own events. You can invite technical speakers or plan a technical trip to known company in your field of interest. Or you just come together with your colleagues to have great time during a social event.
It is then possible to found a Student Branch Chapter that offers you to be part of one of the technical societies that are represented by the chapters on the section level.