Groups & Programs
IEEE provides several affinity groups and programs for their members.
Please check them out to find something you might be interested in.
Germany Section Young Professionals
IEEE Young Professionals is an international community of enthusiastic, dynamic, and innovative members and volunteers. IEEE is committed to helping young professionals, who graduated within the last decade, evaluate their career goals, polish their professional image, and create the building blocks of a lifelong and diverse professional network. IEEE young professionals are automatically added to the IEEE Young Professionals member community as they graduate.
Germany Section SIGHT
In recent years, the IEEE has placed great emphasis on Humanitarian Technology Activities, instituting the Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC). As part of a strategic effort toward member engagement, HAC instituted a program called Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT). In order to foster humanitarian projects, ...
Germany Section Milestone Program
The IEEE Milestones in Electrical Engineering and Computing program honors significant technical achievements in all areas associated with IEEE.
Germany Section Life Member
The designation Life Member is applicable to all members who have reached the age of 65 years and who have been a member of IEEE (or one of its predecessor societies) for such a period that the sum of his/her age and his/her years of membership equals or exceeds 100 years. Life members are offered special privileges and waived membership fees.
Germany Section WIE - Women in Engineering
IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists. The mission of IEEE WIE is to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally. IEEE WIE envisions a vibrant community of IEEE women and men collectively using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity.